YouTube decides to banish anti -vaccination words and channels

YouTube decides to banish anti -vaccination words and channels

Thibaut Keutchayan September 30, 2021 at 11:0543 © Clubic

YouTube no longer wants anti -Vax content on its platform.The American video streaming giant intends to banish the channels and videos that denounce an ineffectiveness or even a danger of the COVVI-19 vaccine.

Several channels of personalities notoriously known for their anti -tax remarks were thus suspended until further notice, while the defective content with regard to other vaccines are also in the crosshairs of YouTube.

Lire aussi : COVID-19 : YouTube a supprimé pas moins d’un million de vidéos propageant de fausses informations

Hunting anti -tax is open to YouTube

A great spring cleaning at the start of this fall, such is the policy that YouTube, the American giant of video accommodation, decides to lead at the end of September.Google's service firmly intends to harden the tone against any content calling into question the vaccines approved by the health authorities, whether it is potentially dangerous or even ineffective.

Consequently, the banning of the content concerned is underway, and not only.Many youtube channels of anti -tax personalities have now disappeared from radars.This is particularly the case of Joseph Mercola, Robert F.Kennedy JR.And the Children Defense Fund, Erin Elizabeth or Sherri Tenpenny.

YouTube décide de bannir les propos et chaînes anti vaccination

You can therefore no longer access the cited channels, but the content relating to it is (sometimes) still available on the other hand.With the objective of creating a climate of serenity and fighting distrust of vaccination against COVVI-19, YouTube again tone with the antiVAX.After having deleted at the end of 2019 any advertisement going against a potential vaccination, it was the first videos that were analyzed, and potentially deleted, from October 2020.

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The COVVI-19 vaccine is not the only one concerned

YouTube intends to do well, more broadly, delete many other content defined as anti-vaccination.The platform will thus ban any disinforming content about influenza vaccines, mumps, but also rubella, measles or even papillomavirus (HPV).Because the COVVI-19 is not the only virus to make the fatty cabbage of the antiVAX channels, far from there.

Scientists already noticed in November 2020 that YouTube was particularly virulent in the context of his fight against content against vaccination against COVVI-19, much more than against many other more or less offensive subjects and/or controversy.

YouTube will however authorize medical experts to express themselves on its platform, the scientificity specific to their function being a priori.Likewise, those sharing their vaccination experience will be able to publish their videos, unless they "make disinformation on vaccines", affirms the platform.Information that should not delight fans of antivax content, which will therefore have to migrate to other supports.

Source : WCCFTech
