We are here to help the creation of innovative digital jobs

We are here to help the creation of innovative digital jobs

"We are about twenty employees.Which may seem little compared to what we do on the market.There is a good reason for that: our focus has always been - and I have been there for 12 years - to create employment with our 280 partner companies, whether they bring innovation or services to ourclients.We touch all the segments, from the largest commercial, industrial or government customers to the SME.We also rely on our ecosystem.»»»»»»»»

Le country manager de Microsoft au Luxembourg,Candi Carrera, ne «joue»»»»»»»» pas profil bas, il est d’un naturel tranquille au moment d’aborder l’évolution des produits de la marque vers davantage de productivité et de sécurité, de se heurter forcément aux critiques sur l’utilisation généralisée de ses solutions par l’Éducation nationale, sur le respect de la vie privée ou…

"I emphasize the contribution, humbly, to the development of Luxembourg, whether in terms of innovation, efficiency, productivity, digital or creation.We are there to create innovative digital jobs.There is real roots here in Luxembourg.»»»»»»»»

Suddenly, how do you live the repeated articles on the omnipresence of GAFAMs and on the difficulty not necessarily resorting to their services and solutions?

"I focus on the creation of jobs, I make sure that the partner ecosystem, which we had to transform, is ready to bring innovation that Luxembourg has not yet, or which Luxembourg mustprovide in the future.In 2010, when I arrived, we were very focused on the technologies hosted and installed with our customers.

In our strategy, as we have evolved since the arrival of Satya Nadella, there are productivity tools, the 'Modern Workplace', everything that revolves around Microsoft 365, be it productivity or all the security of toolsof collaboration, a theme that has become extremely important in an increasingly digital, even confined world.Microsoft Azure, infrastructure and platform, is also strategic for our customers, they can go much more to their markets.We have the bizapps part and the area of surface category with sellers and in companies with solutions.

Before the covid, I would have clearly told you that priority was artificial intelligence.Some priorities have changed.AI remains something that is written in the fourth industrial revolution.Since 2016, even in Luxembourg, I have seen the appearance of more and more projects around AI.

Que ce soit les services cognitifs pré-entraînés qui peuvent être utilisés par nos clients pour développer de l’innovation dans leurs produits ou leurs services, les chatbots, le langage naturel ou la détection d’objets, nous voulons mettre à disposition des briques, des building blocks pour le B2B pour qu’ils puissent innover.

Candi Carrera,&nbspcountry manager pour le Luxembourg,&nbspMicrosoft

«On est là pour aider à la création d’emplois digitaux innovants»»»»»»»»

It is not only the technological aspect, there is above all the ethical aspect, of conformity, on which there is a lot of work to be done, in the world, and even in Luxembourg.Luxembourg has the will to do things in this area.With Microsoft 365, for some time, we have been trying to infuse AI in these productivity tools, whether it is real -time translation or other things, without people directly perceive it.This will help the productivity and work of people.

On Azure, we are a little less on productivity.Whether it is pre-trained cognitive services that can be used by our customers to develop innovation in their products or services, chatbots, natural language or detection of objects, we want to make bricks,Building blocks for the B2B so that they can innovate.We are responsible for these innovations generally, but also locally.

With COVVI-19, especially SMEs, physical shopping is no longer possible, and still, we are still privileged in Luxembourg.But if you are a small entrepreneur and you need to dialogue with your customers seven days a week, you will need virtual agents.These technologies are completely accessible, even in Luxembourg, at least to make their activity lasting during the COVID-19 or to develop their activities internationally.

What was an operational normal model was completely turned upside down, and even the small SME, like the baker or the butcher, must think differently.In two weeks, we saw a digital transformation which should have taken place in two years.There was a crisis, an emergency, and people had to move, whether for e-commerce or for teleworking.

Among the big successes of 2019, if we talked a lot about Zoom or Cisco Webex, Teams pulls out.Which is not without bringing new criticisms about the interest of free software instead of American solutions ...

"National education, already in 2014, had made the decision to go to Microsoft 365.During the lockdown, we had 95.000 teachers and schoolchildren who were connected every day to Teams.The fact that the Ministry of National Education has taken the bet to consolidate a productivity platform like ours made it possible to very quickly rebound and react.In Luxembourg, it was quite easy to lead this transition to digital compared to other countries, less ready to make decisions for the use of tools like these.The top 100 of our customers in Luxembourg have done as much.

Il ne s’agit pas de se retrouver bloqués par des standards qui ne seraient plus à jour.We try to contribute to this by our vision, and it is in this spirit that Luxembourg adopted the Cloud.

Candi Carrera,&nbspcountry manager pour le Luxembourg,&nbspMicrosoft

What I look at is the skills our children will need.What skills, what digital culture will they need in the context of their school and professional curriculum?The standard in terms of productivity is Microsoft 365 or Office 365.If the decisions have been made in a sense, it is that there is a certain logic of continuity for good culture to be given to our children in Luxembourg.They will be confronted or will have to work with tools of this type.In terms of free software, if I leave the discussion on education, more than half of what runs on Azure is free software, because Azure allows you to come with the skills they have.We are very open to skills in php, python or something else, without imposing a standard A or B.

The other criticism that you are made is included in a package between compliance with privacy, data sharing, and even your membership in Gaia-X, which is not a European cloud, but a catalog of European solutions.

"We want to collaborate on the Gaia-X initiative.It is important in general, whether in the initiative or outside.There are interoperability standards, and it is important that everyone can come with their technology and that it is interoperable.It is in this sense that we joined Gaia-X, to contribute to it with our experience.It is important that it thinks of interoperability or data protection, whether it is called GDPR or GDPR, but that at the same time, we do not forget that solutions are needed that bring'Innovation and innovation speed in Europe.It is not a question of being blocked by standards which would no longer be up to date.We try to contribute to this by our vision, and it is in this spirit that Luxembourg adopted the Cloud.It allows you to get out of standard cycles, and to commission a new application and deliver it to customers after a few months.

When you are a B2B client, whether it is a very large group or an SME, from Microsoft 365, contractually, we guarantee that rest data can be found in data centers in the European Union.It is guaranteed.


For Azure, technological philosophy is a little different.Imagine an e-commerce application, it is the customer who chooses where to have his data accommodate.Take a client who has an application of e-commerce and customers in Latin America ... Most likely, he will deploy part of the application in data centers there.Latence means that customers have a very good business experience.A normal European customer, even on Azure, will follow the same principle.

At Microsoft, we have always wanted to be a leader and ‘Definator’ of standards and standards in terms of privacy.Two years ago, we were the first to have the ISO 27018 standard.We are aware that the way we operate is confidence.We cannot afford to break this chain of confidence with our customers.There are contractual and psychological aspects.Our customers can, if they wish, come with their encryption key or keep it, to guarantee this privacy.They can audit us.We try to give maximum insurance so that our customers keep their confidence.

In Luxembourg, the majority of customers who make the way to go to the Microsoft cloud consider that the level of security and protection is higher than they had before.Threats from a cybersecurity point of view also increases, and we need to develop measures according to the evolution of threats.»»»»»»»»
