Snapchat: We can now add music to your snaps on iOS

Snapchat: We can now add music to your snaps on iOS

Several social networks are now in the elbow to keep or win new users.With this in mind, Snapchat has just announced the integration of a new feature, "sounds", on its application.

The social network will now allow its users to add music to their snaps, reports the media tech the verge relayed by 01net.This option is already present in direct snapchat competitors, namely Tiktok and Instagram, which recently launched the "real".The objective is therefore to catch up and avoid a flight from Internet users to other platforms.

Homemade sounds?

Sounds allows you to add music to a snap before sending it.Upon receipt, the recipient can display the information of the chosen song by sliding your finger upwards screen.In a few months, the social network even wishes to allow its users to create their own sounds to add to the snaps.

Snapchat : On peut désormais ajouter de la musique à ses snaps sur iOS

The functionality has already been tested since August in Australia and New Zealand.Now being deployed worldwide, Sounds will only be available on devices operating under iOS.No availability date has yet been announced for deployment on Android.

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