Overview of new Find My features with AirPods Pro | WatchGeneration

Overview of new Find My features with AirPods Pro | WatchGeneration


If a person comes to see me in the middle of the night and asks me what color the sun is, I don't answer them "look at the sky and wait to see"

It doesn't do him any good.

It would be more useful to tell him directly and if he would like more explanation he would have to see for himself.

His question was clear "how to update" he didn't ask which function would work or not.

Overview of new Find My features with AirPods Pro | WatchGeneration

If you knew the answer and you wanted to be useful, either you clearly answered the same way who he asked his question, or you went to look for the answer in the comments and then tell him

Nobody forced you to answer him but you still felt obliged to answer him to finally say "read the comments"?

What was the goal? To be condescending?

So in the face of this kind of attitude I feel obliged to respond because this kind of attitude is repugnant to me
