How to clean your airpods well?This youtubeur gives the infallible solution!

How to clean your airpods well?This youtubeur gives the infallible solution!

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Publié par Jessy le 13 Fév 2021 à 16:08

Very often, airpods tend to get dirty because of dust and crime that accumulates.As terms, this can cause a less important sound level than to buy, forcing you to go to an Apple store to solve the problem.But to be sure that your airpods are not just covered with ceromen, follow Maxime's tip, which holds the mobile -tamaddict youtube channel.

Credit: @mobileaddict (YouTube)

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Ceremen causing a sound drop!

On its mobile-paddict Youtube channel, Maxime often shares its tips to clean or keep its high-tech products, and does not hesitate to test products for its 152,000 subscribers.The Youtubeur has also shared a video to help you clean your airpods.Indeed, the accumulation of ceromen and dust on the listening grid of your airpods can be the cause of a sound drop, which may strongly annoy you.

Despite everything, it is important to regularly clean (your ears) its airpods, in order to avoid this kind of inconvenience.If the sound drop is still present after following Maxime's method, you will have to go to an Apple store.

Comment bien nettoyer ses airpods ? Ce Youtubeur donne la solution infaillible !

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How to clean your AirPods and AirPods Pro?

In his video, Maxime reveals his tip to clean your airpods and airpods pro.In both cases, you will have to bring a "wipe soaked in isopropylic alcohol 70%[...] a soft, dry and not proundy cloth [...] a toothpick [...] and fixed dough" as revealedYouTubeur, but the steps are different.To clean your airpods, three steps are essential:

The same steps for AirPods Pro?

Maxime continues his video this time presenting the trick to clean his AirPods Pro.The steps are appreciably the same, but the pro AirPods are easier to clean:

Finally, if you want to clean the housing of your airpods and airpods pro, use the fixed dough for difficult to access corners.Surround a toothpick of fixed dough to remove the dirt that is in the location of the headphones.The Youtubeur warns: "If the dirt accumulates, charging problems can be felt".And most essential: wash your ears ... it takes less time, and it's more pleasant.

For more advice in style, do not hesitate to follow Maxime on his YouTube channel here!

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Source : MobileAddict

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