Harrish Reedoy, president of the United Deputy Rectors and Rectors Union: "Several students wish to maintain exams"

Harrish Reedoy, president of the United Deputy Rectors and Rectors Union: "Several students wish to maintain exams"

On the eve of the resumption of classes in face -to -face, the president of the United Deputy Rectors and Rectors Union (UDRRU), Harrish Reedoy takes stock of the preparations.Discussions around exams are also discussed in the interview that follows.

The resumption of classes in face -to -face for all students will take place on February 2.How do preparations advance in public colleges?

We take into account several aspects, including sanitary security, cleaning of premises and academic support.We have a "checklist" from the Ministry of Education concerning the points to be respected.Once everything is completed, there are checks and in the event of problems, improvements are made.Canteen managers also come to the scene to check everything.Bus operators have been informed so that students can enter and leave colleges alternately.Parents also have a role to play by encouraging students to respect barriers' gestures.I am optimistic that things will go well.

What do you do concretely to ensure a good academic recovery?

Harrish Reedoy, président de la United Deputy Rectors and Rectors Union : « Plusieurs élèves souhaitent le maintien des examens »

The Timatable was reorganized with five 4 -hour slots each.We have included periods of Physical Education and for the bookstore.Teachers were invited to study the strategies to be taken into account to ensure a good resumption of students.It should not be forgotten that "assessments" are planned in about five weeks.

Do you think that the measures announced by the Minister of Education on January 21 are sufficient to ensure the smooth running of the classes?

Yes and no !The ministry cannot prescribe identical methods for all schools.Each establishment is unique.It is up to each head of the establishment to take the necessary measures according to their college.Teaching and non-teacher staff must collaborate to ensure that these are respected.

Some parents fear that it is difficult to enforce physical distancing in classrooms.How to reassure them?

With 40 students in a classroom, it will certainly be difficult to maintain a distance from one to two meters between them.It is therefore necessary to bet on barriers like the wearing of the mask permanently, the exit of the students alternating and ensuring that the classes are well airy.

The SEDEC has issued certain fears concerning the dropping out of students.What about public colleges?

We have to wait for the recovery to find out what exactly it is.From the first days, we will contact the parents of the absent students in order to know why the latter are not in class and take measures.The contribution of the social worker will be necessary in some cases.We will start dialogue with the students and in the event of concerns, we will call on the psychologist for a follow -up.

The holding of the School Certificate and Higher School Certificate Cuvée 2021-2022 exams is currently at the center of discussions…

All education partners claim that it is necessary before established which students are ready for the tests and those who are not.Several students wish to maintain exams for April.You should know that there will be changes in many subjects for November exams.Then, we must not forget the start of the academic year ... Many students have already started procedures for the start of the school year in September.At the UDRRU, we think that we should not impose a decision, but leave the choice to the students, in consultation with the parents, to decide when they take part in the exams.
