You will probably have to make do with a 5W USB-A charger with future iPhones |  iGeneration

You will probably have to make do with a 5W USB-A charger with future iPhones | iGeneration


"Well when you reduce the size of the box you can put more in the truck or the plane, so you reduce the pollution linked to transport by aircraft. Does that suit you as an explanation?"

It's the perfect explanation that reassures the consumer who is destroying the planet. j, add a green salad to a shopping cart full of frozen and more industrially prepared foods, or go without driving with your diesel once in a while

Il faudra sans doute se contenter d'un chargeur USB-A 5W avec les futurs iPhone | iGeneration

Basically, we're a criminal, but as we ease off a bit, it's okay, it's cool, even green!
