What COVVI-19 screening test to choose before the holidays?

What COVVI-19 screening test to choose before the holidays?

Take a test before finding yourself with family or relatives for the holiday season.

There are three types of tests:

  1. le test RT-PCR ;
  2. le test antigénique ;
  3. l’auto-test.

Which one to choose ?It all depends on the situation in which you are.

RT-PCR or antigenic are recommended when you have:

Les différents types de tests :en savoir plus.

Les différents types de tests, en savoir plus

When to use the auto-test?

Be careful however!You have no symptoms but you can be in incubation period.The risk of transmission is therefore possible.

Quel test de dépistage Covid-19 choisir avant les fêtes ?

To reassure you as well as your loved ones, the auto-test is made for this.To do this, realize, as far as possible at least two self -tests in the days preceding contact with your loved ones to increase your chances of detecting the virus at the start of the disease.

Namely: children aged 3 to 11 can also make a self -test.

What if my self-test is positive?

Toutes les réponses sur les auto-tests

Toutes les réponses sur les auto-tests /info-coronavirus/tests-et-depistage#autotests
Et bien sûr, n'oublions pas les gestes barrières !
Saluer sans serrer la main et ne pas faire d’embrassades.
Porter un masque à l’intérieur (chirurgical ou en tissu de catégorie 1).
Se laver régulièrement les mains ou utiliser une solution hydro-alcoolique
Aérer chaque pièce 10 minutes toutes les heures.