Things to never put in the microwave: 22 materials and foods to avoid

Things to never put in the microwave: 22 materials and foods to avoid

Nowadays, we are used to being always in a hurry, to live quickly.In this accelerated pace, we don't have much time to cook.And, we most often turn to more practical alternatives, more time saving such as the regular use of the microwave, for example.However, even if it is a magician apparatus, you have to know how to use it correctly to avoid any danger (for its operation, but also for our own health).In order to give you a clearer idea on this subject, you are shared today a list of things never put in the microwave.

Let's take a magnifying glass the foods and materials not to be put in the microwave

Page contents

  • 1.2 Plastic in the microwave
  • 1.3 Travel cups and mugs
  • 1.4 Paper
  • 1.5 Can we put cardboard in the microwave?
  • 2 Never turn the apparatus on a vacuum
  • 3 Food products not to be reheated in the microwave
  • 3.5 Lid -free meal
  • 3.6 Some water
  • 3.7 Potatoes in the microwave danger
  • 3.8 Tomato sauce
  • 3.9 Mole vegetables
  • 3.10 Homemade cooked rice
  • 3.11 Breastmilk
  • Les choses à ne jamais mettre au micro-ondes


    Do you know that most microwaves are covered with metal?The latter acts indeed as a kind of mirror.By covering the door and the walls of the device, it prevents the waves from escaping from the inside while concentrating heat directly on food.

    Do not use metal containers to heat a dish in the microwave

    Couverts à table

    Being a good electricity driver, do not put metal in the microwaves.Table cutlery is therefore an object to which to pay great attention.Normally, if you involuntarily put a fork in it, it should not cause a fire.However, this can seriously damage the device.

    Aluminium dans micro onde

    Like cutlery at the table, aluminum foil is another object not to be put in the microwave.You have to pay attention even to the packaging of certain products to avoid the appearance of sparks, even a fire ... or else, to make the device unusable.

    Be careful not to put cutlery at the table or aluminum foil in the microwave

    Plastic in the microwave

    Like metal, plastic is not welcome in the microwave.Forget all the plastic containers including cheese/yogurt jars or reusable storage containers.Why ?Because if they are heated, they can melt and even release chemicals in food.To avoid possible chemical contamination, it is strongly advised to transfer the products to a microwave dish.

    Plastic should also be put in the microwave


    Choses à ne jamais mettre au micro-ondes : 22 matériaux et aliments à éviter

    The polystyrene used for the manufacture of certain cups for example is also a type of plastic.This means that if you decide to warm up your take -out coffee, its container can also free harmful and chemical products.Without mentioning that the polystyrene container can quickly deform and even melt.

    Nor all kinds of hot drink cups made of polystyrene

    Travel cups and mugs

    Travel containers (thermos, mugs, cups) are most often made of plastic or stainless steel.This is why, they also fall among the objects not to be put in the microwave.Above all, materials and stainless steel prevent warming of liquid and then they can also cause fire (or at least sparks).

    Do not reheat travel containers in the microwave


    If you like Netflix and Chill evenings, you've probably already prepared homemade popcorn many times.And their paper bags intended to go to the microwave can indeed give us the false impression that it is good to heat paper in the device.Wrongly!Because the different paper bags are made in different ways.And if in the case of popcorn bags, they were created so as to absorb the shelves, this is not worth for the rest of the packaging.Thus, for example, grocery bags or lunch should not be used in the microwave.

    Do not put the bags in paper in it because they are not treated in the same way as the Popcorn bags

    Can we put cardboard in the microwave?

    Wondering if you can put cardboard in the microwave?The answer to this question is a bit difficult because it all depends on the type of container.Normally, if the container is made of pure card, it is possible to use it without danger.On the other hand, if the cardboard contains plastic, glue, metal, wax or other materials, it should not be used in it.Besides, it is recommended to always read the label to be sure if you can warm food in the cardboard in question.

    You have to always check on the cardboard label if it is suitable to put in the microwave

    Never turn the apparatus on a vacuum

    As mentioned above, the microwave works in such a way that foods absorb the waves.If therefore we turn on the vacuum device, we risk exploding it because there are products that can absorb energy.

    Be careful not to turn on the vacuum device

    Food products not to be reheated in the microwave


    Grapes are a fantastic option to accompany a wine tasting or just for a healthy snack.That's why, we don't hesitate to freeze them to take advantage of them later.However, the time of defrosting came, forget to put them in the microwave because this gesture can indeed explode them.Same for raisins.

    The grapes will explode there


    Have you ever tried to put a few eggs in the microwave?If the answer is no, it is better to abstain from such an idea because it is potentially dangerous.Like the grapes, the eggs will also explode in.This is explained by high temperatures which create an accumulation of extreme steam inside the egg.Which explodes him, it doesn't matter if he is dissected or not.

    Eggs too ...

    Strong peppers

    Another food that tends to explode if passed in the microwave, these are the strong peppers.Capsaicin, the compound that makes the plants spicy does not react well in contact with the device.So, moreover the explosion, you are also likely to burn your eyes when the microwave door is opened.

    Strong peppers is another food to ban here



    Many of us use the microwave to thaw meat.However, it is a completely incorrect and potentially dangerous practice.In fact, this type of defrosting ensures that unequal results above all.Since the different thicknesses of the meat absorb heat at different speeds, certain parts of the meat remain frozen while others are already cooked.This on his part can lead to the appearance of bacteria and certain diseases.It is therefore necessary to avoid this type of defrosting and opt for a healthier method, leaving for example meat in the fridge during the night.

    Do not make the mistake of defrosting the meat in the microwave because it is dangerous for health


    To warm transformed meat (such as sausages, bacon, etc..), you must also use the oven or the grill.Because, the use of the microwave can cause the formation of cholesterol oxidation products.The latter generally cause health problems, including coronary diseases.

    The same is worth for transformed meat

    Lid -free meal

    When we warm the remains of the dishes (especially sauces or soups), they simmer and bubble.It is therefore important to always use a lid suitable for the microwave to avoid the mess and then have to clean the microwave.

    Use a lid to reheat the dishes to avoid the mess

    Some water

    Very often, it seems much easier to heat water in the microwave, but it is not a good idea.In reality, water tends to heat very quickly in it.Thus, even if we do not see bubbles in the cup, we may indeed burn or even create a small explosion by adding a tea bag or any other product in the water.

    Do not heat

    Potatoes in the microwave danger

    Potatoes can house certain bacteria, including clostridium botulinum.The latter is known to cause certain stomach aches and sometimes even more serious food poisoning.To avoid such a danger, it is important above all to keep the potatoes in the fridge, immediately after their cooking.In addition, you must avoid reheating them in the microwave and heading more to the oven.

    Reheat the potatoes in the microwave, this is not a good idea

    Tomato sauce

    As we mentioned above, reheating soups and sauces (especially tomato) in the microwave is not an ingenious idea.The heat in the device will produce steam in the sauce.This being powerful enough, the sauce will soon burst.

    Tomato sauce is not welcome in the microwave

    Mole vegetables

    Share vegetables just like a large part of the fruits should not be reheated in the microwave.This type of vegetable generally needs a certain dose of humidity to cook and they can thus burst if placed in the microwave (where we speak of a dry environment).

    You have to hold the leaf vegetables far from the device

    Homemade cooked rice

    If you are rushing to the microwave to warm your meal with rice, it is better to think twice.According to studies, rice may contain a bacteria called Bacillus Cereus.The microwave reheating does not allow you to kill this bacteria and this can cause food poisoning.

    Rice should not be reheated in the microwave


    For the safety and health of your infant, it is better to avoid reheating breast milk or any other preparation adapted to the microwave.Because of the fact that the device does not warm up the products uniformly, there is a risk of giving the baby a liquid with certain extreme hot spots.Prefer heating under hot water or on the stove.

    Do not reheat baby products
