Ronrontherapy: Why do cats make us so happy?

Ronrontherapy: Why do cats make us so happy?

In France, nearly 15 million purring in our homes.This sign of tenderness which one cannot tire is the expression of a mutual well-being that we have long tamed.Why does the purring of cats give us so much pleasure and benefits on a daily basis?

À lire- Vie quotidienneLe bonheur des animaux domestiques : comment savoir si votre chien ou votre chat est heureux ?

Your cat, the best physiotherapy that is

Roading is a natural medication in cats.In the event of a fracture, they are much faster than in other animals.Besides, medicine was inspired by the rehabilitation of patients after certain injuries by reproducing the same intensity of vibrations.Explanations from Jean-Yves Gauchet:

The frequency of purring vibrations oscillate between 50 and 150 Hz and physiotherapists are based on this same frequency to relieve the health of athletes subject to muscle problems, inflammation in tendons.Placed on kinds of vibrating drums at these frequencies, they recover much more easily from their efforts and their accidents. "

The purring begins to be heard in the 19th century

Ronronthérapie : pourquoi les chats nous rendent-ils si heureux ?

Until the 19th century, we do not "feel" the cat (nor any other animal), we do not pay attention to purring at all.We do not yet assimilate it to a sentimental tenderness towards us.Besides, the historian Eric Baratay tells us that literature shows that the terms "purring" and "purring" are only invented in the romantic period -notably in Balzac, in "Father Goriot", where he does notstill writes that in italics as it is something brand new.

It is the story of a sharing sensitivity that humans and cats have only taught gradually.A clear difference with today where cats have become, with dogs, the first pets of the French and are considered a full member of the family.

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