Pixel 6 Pro dismantages reveal the big step in front of Google

Pixel 6 Pro dismantages reveal the big step in front of Google

Google seems to have definitively changed course with the Pixel 6 and the Pixel 6 Pro, to some problems with its fingerprint sensor which, hopefully, can be corrected by a simple software update.And apart from media coverage behind this new generation smartphone, it is apparently just as unique, fortunately in some very good ways.

The initial dismantages of Pixel 6 revealed something that Google has done well, at least for repairers, but it seems that a few steps are still missing to make Pixel 6 one of the easiest smartphones that are not that arenot a fairphone.

There are two parts of the smartphone which see the most wear and which have the greatest risk of damage.Three if you count the rear glass shell which can be easily covered by a shell or a case if you cannot have it repaired yet.Between the screen and the load port, the display is perhaps the most critical part, especially if the smartphone supports wireless recharge.Fortunately, this is also where Google seems to have scored its biggest point in terms of reparability.

Jerryrigeverhyme has praised the Pixel 6 Pro as perhaps one of the easiest to replace without intentionally modular.It only takes a little heat and cut the adhesive to remove the display panel from the rest of the smartphone chassis.The ribbon cable on the screen is a bit delicate if you don't know where it is, but a simple metal support is all that keeps the LEGO style connector.

Les démontages du Pixel 6 Pro révèlent le grand pas en avant de Google

Ifixit also congratulates Google for the use of clips to keep the screen in place in addition to the glue.He explains that this would allow users or technicians to simply clip the screen in place without having to replace the glue, but to the detriment of the waterproofing.There is also the discovery of an official tool available publicly to recalibrate a new screen and its fingerprint sensor, assuming that replacement is an authentic component in the first place.

A very positive note

Unfortunately, it's not all pink when it comes to repairing the Pixel 6 Pro, and Google committed a few false steps, even if the firm had better intentions.The strange battery extraction tab, for example, may have been the most confusing room inside the smartphone that seems to do nothing, except to give false hopes.Black graphite stickers also prevent the components from easily withdrawn, while the USB-C welded port will make the replacement for this extremely difficult component.

Overall, Google definitely seems to have made efforts to facilitate the replacement of the Pixel 6 screen, even if it probably does not intend to support the third -party repair services industry.Hopefully it will continue on this positive path.
