NFC navigo recharge with the iPhone is already available!|igeneration

NFC navigo recharge with the iPhone is already available!|igeneration

I cannot give certain details of the negotiations with Apple (which have been lasting for years now)

Just know that the recharging of the pass from the app should have always been available because there is no constraint to do so (in the Apple official guidelines) from iOS13.However, Apple has linked the validation of this functionality to negotiations to give the authorization to use the NFC for a navigo pass in Wallet, by imposing specific constraints which nevertheless exist anywhere in the rules of use of the NFC inreading.Île de France mobility which has long refused these requirements, ended up giving up (and Apple immediately validated the update of the app that they had been blocking for months)

For those who are Lyonnais or Marseille, know that Apple also poses the same conditions as in Ile de France.The fact that Ile de France Mobilités has given way risks strengthening Apple in its hard position in these cities.

La recharge Navigo en NFC avec l'iPhone est déjà disponible ! | iGeneration
