How to succeed in reorienting yourself in the midst of a crisis?On the same topic

How to succeed in reorienting yourself in the midst of a crisis?On the same topic

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, by Quentin Donval

Reorienting yourself, it can be scary.Change can be a source of questioning, especially in times of crisis like the one we have been living in for several months.Nevertheless, reorienting can be a real solution to get out of the dead end.Here are the advice of Anne Cirier, Coach for Yapuka.

Quentin Donval

Comment réussir à se réorienter en pleine crise ? Sur le même thème


Cet article parle de : conseils crise entretien réorientation yapuka

Next Job #4: Become Digital Nomad (with Kevin Jourdan-Dotmarket co-founder)

, by Quentin Donval

Episode #4: Discovery of the profession of digital nomad with Kevin Jourdan, co-founder of the Dotmarket site (www.dotmarket.EU).

Can we make a career in fast food?

, by Mickaël Icard

With Perrine Aletti, in charge of human resources, Quick

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