Covid: Can we be vaccinated when we are positive or contact case?

Covid: Can we be vaccinated when we are positive or contact case?

With the epidemic wave due to the arrival of the omicron variant, some people ask whether it is appropriate to be vaccinated while we may be carrying the virus.

Indeed, if we contracted the virus but we are asymptomatic or at the beginning of the infection when being vaccinated, can this represent a danger?So if we are in contact with it is better to abstain?

A screening required before vaccination?

Already that the number of screening tests explodes, it is not necessary to go be tested before the injection of a dose.

The Ministry of Health clearly stipulates it: it is ""not useful to be tested automatically before being vaccinated"".

Of course if you have symptoms, you have to go be tested, vaccine or not.

The Ministry of Health explains that it is even preferable to postpone the appointment for a vaccine when presents symptoms.

And if the test turned out to be positive, in this case ""it is advisable to wait at least two months after the end of the symptoms to be vaccinated.""

Contact case at the time of the vaccine

If you are reported as a contact case for a positive person when you get vaccinated, it is better to know if you are infected before being vaccinated.

""If a person is in contact, vaccination must be postponed and a test carried out to confirm or not an infection.If the test is negative, vaccination may then take place. Si le test est positif, il convient d’attendre au moins deux mois après la fin des symptômes pour se faire vacciner"", précise le site du ministère.

Asymptomatic at the time of the vaccine

The concern currently is that one can be infected with the covid because we have no symptoms or then they have not yet declared themselves.

In this specific case, there are two solutions according to scientists (or this boosts immunity or the vaccine is useless), but in both cases it would not represent a danger for the body.

We must distinguish asymptomatic.An asymptomatic person means that he does not have a symptom.

So either it will remain without symptoms throughout the duration of the infection, or it can also declare them later and is at that time in incubation.

The person who will not develop a symptom at all has an already existing immunity so they manage to manage the virus.So logically the vaccine should just strengthen already existing immunity.

In the event that the person is in full incubation of the virus and the symptoms have not yet declared themselves, this should cause an immune response more quickly, as reported by Sciences et Avenir.

So there is no risk.

""Sur le plan théorique, il n’y a pas de raison de penser qu’il y ait un danger et en pratique, il n'y a pas, à ma connaissance, de signal de recrudescence des effets indésirables"", explique Alain Fischer, professeur d'immunologie pédiatrique et président du conseil d'orientation de la stratégie vaccinale, comme le rapporte Libération.

The vaccine could be unnecessary

And scientists agree that in the worst case, vaccination will be perfectly useless since vaccination consists in developing antibodies, but if antibodies are already quite numerous and effective, vaccination would not be used for much inthis case.

So at worst vaccination would have no benefit.
