COVID-19: the European regulator approves the pfizer anti-cobvid pill

COVID-19: the European regulator approves the pfizer anti-cobvid pill

Lives Company, Health

Less than a week before the end of the gauges in establishments welcoming the public, the end of the outdoor mask and compulsory telework, France lists nearly 400,000 new cases.England has raised the majority of its restrictions today.

0Par Le Parisien Le 27 janvier 2022 à 06h52, modifié le 27 janvier 2022 à 21h49

The essential

Ce direct est à présent terminé. Rendez-vous demain pour suivre l'évolution de la pandémie

8:15 p.m..Ultramarine territories will first receive the Novavax vaccine. Emmanuel Macron annonce que les territoires ultramarins recevront en priorité le vaccin Novavax, sans ARN messager, qui peut être une réponse à la résistance à la vaccination qui touche certains départements, selon l’Elysée.Emmanuel Macron wished to speak on Thursday afternoon in videoconference on Thursday afternoon with elected officials from the overseas departments and communities, currently in a state of health emergency, in the presence of the overseas ministers, Sébastien Lecornu, andHealth Olivier Véran.Today, seven departments and overseas communities are placed in a state of health emergency: Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Mayotte, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy.

8:10 p.m..A church representing the Dutchman will flower Saint-Pierre square at Easter. Une église représentant les Néerlandais à Rome fera venir des fleurs des Pays-Bas pour la messe papale à Pâques, après que le designer floral en chef a renoncé en raison de la pandémie.For 35 years, Place Saint-Pierre has been decorated with flowers offered by the Netherlands on the occasion of Easter, the most important in the Christian calendar."The flowery gesture of the Netherlands towards the Pope in Rome and the Dutch ecclesiastical province towards the Church is too special not to follow up," said priest Antoine Bodar of the Holy Church Michel and Magne.

7:55 p.m.. Allègement des restrictions anti-Covid : est-il trop tôt pour desserrer l’étau ? Au Danemark, «toutes» les restrictions seront levées le mardi 1er février.In France, it will only be a part from Wednesday.In a context of flambée of cases, should this calendar be maintained?Decryption.

7:30 p.m..In France, 273 new deaths. Santé publique France a recensé 392 168 cas positifs en 24 heures, contre 425 183 jeudi et plus de 500 000 mardi.This Thursday, 30,982 patients diagnosed COVID-19 are taken care of in hospitals including 3694 in critical care.

7:10 p.m..With Omicron and the telework, in Paris, the bosses of brasserie have the blues: "the activity is in free fall". Télétravail, absence des touristes, peur d’attraper le Covid dans des lieux clos...So many reasons which, according to professionals in the sector, explain the drop in attendance recorded since the beginning of January in Parisian cafes and restaurants.Our report.

19 hours. LVMH : année record en 2021 pour le géant du luxe, bien au-delà de l’avant-pandémie.The world number one LVMH luxury made a year 2021 record, exceeding 64 billion euros in sales, a first, and garnishing a net profit of 12 billion euros, results clearly above those of thebefore-Pandemia, with the key to profitability clearly increasing.The group (owner of Parisian) approaches the year "with confidence" and says he is "in excellent position to further strengthen his advance on the world luxury market", according to his CEO, the billionaire Bernard Arnault.

6:50 p.m..More than 34.7 million French people had a dose of recall. 34 702 407 personnes exactement ont reçu à ce jour une dose de rappel, selon la Direction générale de la Santé.Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 53,905,727 people have received at least one injection, or 80.0 % of the total population.52,600,036 people now have a complete vaccine scheme, or 78 % of the total population.

6.30 p.m..In the processions, words of teachers and caregivers on the front line. Les cortèges pour réclamer des hausses de salaires et d’effectifs ont réuni en grande majorité des fonctionnaires, notamment de l’Education nationale, de la « territoriale », de l’hôpital affectés par les changements dus à la pandémie.Emma, kindergarten teacher in Paris: “There is a fed up, a big fatigue since the start of the school year in January.We do more medical than teaching.There are more parents who offer us masks than National Education.The schools remained open but we had no salary compensation ».Marie-Laure Dumenil, auxiliary of life and CGT secretary of the union "Help and home care" of Ille-et-Vilaine: "As home helps, we had an amendment which did not correspond to thisthat we expected concerning our increases.They said it was going to increase by 13 to 15%, we are really far away ”.

6:10 p.m.."I was ready to test myself every two days": in the Oise, the teacher who refused to wear the mask resigned. Après avoir déposé un recours qui a été rejeté, Anne-Claire Rossignol, professeure de français au collège Sonia-Delaunay de Gouvieux, a choisi de quitter l’enseignement.Our report.

18 hours.Sweden dismisses the general vaccination of 5-11 year olds. La Suède a choisi de ne pas recommander la vaccination des 5-11 ans contre le Covid-19.The Scandinavian country, which has often found itself against the current during the pandemic in its strategy against the covid, recommended vaccination only for children at risk."We do not consider that a group of children should be vaccinated on behalf of the company.We want a clear profit for the children themselves and that is why we do not recommend it at the moment, "according to Britta Björklund, in charge of the file to the Swedish Public Health Authority.

5:55 p.m..New Delhi: end of the curfew on weekends.The capital of India announces a relaxation of the restrictions linked to the COVVI-19 and the end of the curfew imposed on weekends since the beginning of January, after a slowdown in positive cases in the country.Local authorities have removed the gauges imposed in the markets and allowed restaurants to reopen their doors.A night curfew will however remain in force for all residents of the capital, with the exception of essential workers.

5:35 p.m..Message RNA technology tested against AIDS. Les récents succès de la technologie de l’ARN messager, ayant permis le développement en un temps record de vaccins contre le Covid-19, dont celui de Moderna, a suscité des espoirs pour lutter contre le sida.The first doses of an AIDS virus vaccine using this technology were administered in humans, the American Modern Biotechnology and Organization Aids Initiative Initiative Initiative Initiative Initiative.This so-called phase 1 trial will be carried out in the United States on 56 healthy and seronegative adults.The purpose of the tested vaccine is to stimulate the production of a certain type of antibody (BNAB), capable of acting against the very many variants in the circulation of HIV, the virus causing AIDS disease.The vaccine seeks to educate B lymphocytes, which are part of our immune system, to produce these antibodies.

17 hours. La croissance des États-Unis en 2021 au plus haut en 37 ans. Les États-Unis ont enregistré en 2021 leur plus forte croissance depuis 1984, portée par les plans de relance massifs et la vaccination, mais 2022 est déjà menacée par Omicron, l’inflation, et la paralysie du plan d’investissement de Joe Biden.The gross domestic product (GDP) of the first world economy increased by 5.7% in 2021, according to a preliminary estimate of the trade department published Thursday.Household consumption expenses (+7.9%) and investments in the country (+9.5%).

4:50 p.m..Assault of a LREM deputy in Perpignan: two anti-passers in police custody. Deux individus ont été placés en garde à vue après l’agression du député LREM Romain Grau samedi à Perpignan, par des individus manifestant contre le passe sanitaire.The deputy, elected in 2017, announced Sunday that he had filed a complaint after "these intolerable violence".Our article.

Covid-19 : le régulateur européen approuve la pilule anti-Covid de Pfizer

4:35 p.m.."Lightening health measures is not reasonable," judges the head of the Garches rebuilding. Le professeur Djillali Annane, chef du service de réanimation de l’hôpital Raymond-Poincaré de Garches (Hauts-de-Seine), s’inquiète de l’allègement des restrictions imposées face à l’épidémie de Covid-19 à compter du 2 février.Our interview.

4:20 p.m..Justin Trudeau, negative tested contact case, isolation for 5 days. Le Premier ministre canadien a annoncé qu’il était cas contact et qu’il resterait à l’isolement pendant 5 jours, conformément aux règles sanitaires en vigueur en Ontario pour les personnes vaccinées."Last night, I learned that I was exposed to COVVI-19.The result of my quick test was negative, "he said on Twitter."I feel good and I will work at home," he added.The Prime Minister, who is 50 years old and received his third dose against COVVI-19 in early January, once again called Canadians to be vaccinated.

4:05 p.m..The rate of increasing incidence in Luxembourg. Le nombre de nouvelles infections au Covid-19 continu d’augmenter au Luxembourg.During the last civil week, the incidence rate was 2,409 cases per 100,000 inhabitants against 1848 the previous week, according to the SPIEGEL website.3073 cases were identified on Wednesday, according to most, a figure never reached so far.

3.30 p.m..Atlético Madrid: Felipe, the Brazilian defender, positive at COVID.Felipe, the Brazilian central defender of Atlético Madrid, was tested positive for COVVI-19."The Brazilian remains in isolation in strict compliance with the recommendations of the health authorities," said the Madrid club.Felipe, 32, did not feel well on Wednesday and did not take part as a precaution in the last two training sessions of the team led by Diego Simeone.The former Porto player joins the Slovak goalkeeper Jan Oblak, who was also checked positive at COVID on Tuesday.

3:05 p.m..The European regulator approves the pfizer anti-Cavid pill. L’Agence européenne des médicaments (EMA) approuve la pilule anti-Covid de Pfizer, qui devient le premier médicament antiviral pris par voie orale autorisé au sein de l’Union européenne.The EMA "recommended that PAXLOVIVVA are authorized for the treatment of COVVI-19 in adults who do not need additional oxygen and which have an increased risk that the disease becomes serious," said the European regulator.In France, the High Authority for Health had authorized the drug this Friday for patients at risk of severe form of COVID-19.

15 hours. Lituanie : nombre de contaminations record.This Baltic country has recorded a record number of new Corona infections for the second consecutive day.For the first time this Thursday, more than 10,000 cases (10,630) were recorded in 24 hours.9,490 contaminations had been identified the day before.

2:50 p.m..Unlimited visits to English retirement homes. Les résidents de maisons de retraite -dont 86,5% ont reçu leur dose de rappel de vaccin- pourront recevoir un nombre illimité de visiteurs à partir de lundi.If they are tested positive for the coronavirus, they will have to isolate themselves for a shorter time.

2:35 p.m..No Dutch flowers in the Vatican for Easter. Le pape ne prononcera pas la messe pascale place Saint-Pierre au Vatican entouré de fleurs néerlandaises, le designer floral ayant mis fin à cette tradition vieille de 35 ans par manque de mécènes avec la pandémie."The consequences of the COVVI-19 are enormous for all national and international events," deplores the Dutchman Paul Deckers, recalling that the project had already had to be canceled in 2020 and 2021.

2:15 p.m..The platform for helping freelance journalists reopens on February 1.The government assistance platform dedicated to freelance journalists affected by the health crisis will reopen from February 1 to March 15 to allow professionals so far excluded from the system to benefit from it, announces the Ministry of Culture.The reactivation of the platform will allow freelance journalists, whose leading income has been amputated between 2019 and 2020 and which so far had not been able to benefit from this exceptional aid, to solicit it.

2:05 p.m..Bug of the Health Insurance site. Vous deviez envoyer un arrêt de maladie Covid sur la plateforme Ameli.FR or take a clip with one of his representatives and did not succeed this morning?It seems that a breakdown affected the system in question in the morning.Problem solved, said health insurance in the early afternoon.Our article.

1:55 p.m..A point on the deaths caused by the pandemic in the world. Le Covid-19 a fait au moins 5 625 889 morts dans le monde depuis fin décembre 2019, selon un bilan établi par l’AFP à partir de sources officielles ce jeudi.In absolute value, the countries that have recorded the most deaths are the United States with 876,066 deaths, Brazil (624,413), India (491,700) and Russia (328,770).

1:40 p.m..Catalonia removes the health pass. L’autonomie espagnole a décidé de mettre fin à l’obligation de présenter un passe sanitaire pour entrer dans les bars, restaurants et salles de sport et ce à compter de vendredi.She justifies her choice by the low efficiency of the precious sesame in the face of Omicron's great contagiousness.Because of this variant, "an important part of the population is again likely to be infected with the virus, regardless of its vaccination status or the fact of having already contracted the disease", justifies in a press release the regional government,which follows the opinion of its expert committee.

1:25 p.m.."For the coronavirus, it is more complicated to circulate. » Deux après le début de la pandémie, le virologue Bruno Lina livre dans le Huffington Post plusieurs scenarii possibles quant à l’évolution du Covid-19, entre optimisme et prudence.One thing is certain, the coronavirus keeps its mysteries."The scientific community has failed to identify how and why certain variants emerge and impose themselves," admits the doctor, a member of the scientific council.

1:05 p.m..Hong Kong reduces the forties of travelers at 2 weeks. Hongkong annonce ce jeudi que la quarantaine obligatoire à l’hôtel pour les voyageurs en provenance de l’étranger, l’une des plus longues au monde, sera réduite de trois à deux semaines à partir du 5 février.

12:50.Decrease in credit mediation requests in 2021. En 2021, la baisse des demandes de médiation du crédit s’est confirmée, après avoir atteint un niveau exceptionnellement élevé au plus fort de la crise sanitaire.This evolution is to be linked with the slightest distribution of loans guaranteed by the State (PGE) which constituted the main reason for referral to the departmental mediators.Despite this withdrawal, the number of mediation requests, which emanate in the vast majority (83.3 %) of very small businesses (less than 11 employees), stands at 3,937 and remains almost four times higher than in 2019, just before the crisis.

12:25.Warning on the results of Easyjet.The British airline warned expect an impact linked to the omicron variant on its performance this quarter but said it predicts a strong demand this summer with a capacity close to the prepaandmic level.During its first quarter, the company stole 64 % of its prepaandic capacity due to the reduction of customer demand in December linked to the spread of the Omicron variant.However, the company remains optimistic."We are planning a solid summer, with a repressed request that will allow Easyjet to return to capacity levels close to those of 2019, with the destinations of beach and leisure at the start of the United Kingdom," addedthe company.

12:15.The good deals of the sovereign fund of Norway.Despite the pandemic, the sovereign fund of Norway, the largest in the world, posted in 2021 one of the best performances in its history, doped by the abundance of liquidity.The huge fund fueled by Norway oil income, the largest hydrocarbon producer in Western Europe, earned around 158 billion euros last year, or a yield of 14.5 %, AAnnounced Thursday the Bank of Norway.

12 hours.Always nearly 11 million COVID tests last week. Ce nombre confirme le léger recul observé depuis la rentrée scolaire de janvier, selon des chiffres publiés jeudi par le ministère de la Santé.The peak of tests seems to have passed: with 10.65 million PCR and antigenic screenings validated between January 17 and 23, against 11.32 million the previous week, the demand "decreases for the second consecutive week", notes the management ofStatistics (DREES) in a press release.

11:45 am."My son came close to death to defend his convictions. » Un hôpital de Boston a refusé une greffe du cœur à un patient américain de 31 ans au motif qu’il n’est pas vacciné contre le Covid-19.

11:30 am.Washington promises 1.7 million doses of vaccines at Uganda. Les États-Unis vont livrer 1 684 800 doses du vaccin Pfizer contre le Covid à l’Ouganda via le mécanisme international Covax, indique ce jeudi un responsable de la Maison Blanche."The United States will be the arsenal of vaccines" in the world, affirms this source, taking up an expensive expression of President Joe Biden.

11:15 am."We no longer go to periods of great confinement. » L’épidémiologiste Didier Pittet, invité de BFMTV, invite à l’optimisme."We see the end of the tunnel" facing the pandemic, wants to believe the Swiss specialist.

11:00."Three cotton swabs in the nostrils three times a week, it's too.We say stop. » Usés de devoir tester massivement leurs enfants cas contacts à la maison, certains parents capitulent.They tell the Parisian that they have made the choice to falsify their certificates on honor.

10:45 am. Faire payer les soins aux non-vaccinés ? La proposition ne fait pas l’unanimité.The boss of the AP-HP is interested in it, a handful of policies seize the question, candidate Anne Hidalgo refuses to do so ... The Parisian takes stock.

10:30 am.Grey’s Anatomy surfs (successfully) on the COVIVE wave. Pour son lancement mercredi soir, le début de la saison 17 de « Grey’s Anatomy », entièrement consacrée à la pandémie de Covid-19, a largement conquis les téléspectateurs.They were more than 3 million to follow the first episode on TF1, far ahead of France 3 magazine and the romantic comedy of France 2.

10:10 am.Relief for nearly 7,000 Ile -de -France companies. Le conseil régional d’Île-de-France, suivi de certaines collectivités, va renoncer à réclamer aux entreprises le remboursement d’une partie du dispositif de soutien aux TPE-PME initié en pleine crise sanitaire.Or nearly 50 million euros erased out of the 133 million resilience funds.

À lire aussiRéduction de la dette des entreprises en Île-de-France : « C’est un coup de boost considérable »

9:50 am.D-8 for the Winter Olympics, Beijing is good against COVVID.China promises "splendid, exceptional and extraordinary" games despite the coronavirus, thanks to strong measures (localized confinements, quasi-fermetic of borders, screening, follow-up of travel), but the arrival of thousands of foreigners can changeThe situation.Until now, the health bubble planned to hermetically isolate participants from the rest of the population is holding: dozens of positive cases have been recorded in recent days among the participants, but no households have been detected in the health bubble, norno leakage.

À lire aussiJO d’hiver de Pékin : l’étouffante bulle pour lutter contre la pandémie de Covid-19 crispe déjà

The fact remains that these constraints will necessarily disturb the competition."An entire team can be placed in quarantine if one of the members is positive," recalls Yanzhong Huang, specialist in health issues in the American cabinet Council on Foreign Relations.Outside the bubble, the city of Beijing has faced an epidemic revival for a few days, complicated by the appearance of the Omicron variant.

9:30 am.The 4th dose is no ... for the moment. Dans un avis rendu public mercredi soir, le conseil d’orientation de la stratégie vaccinale présidé par Alain Fischer s’est prononcé - pour le moment - contre la quatrième dose de vaccin contre le Covid-19.The body is based in particular on a study by the British health agency that the 65 and over having received a first "booster" are protected up to 89 % against the risk of hospitalization from ten weeks after the'injection.In addition, in France, "current hospital data provided by DREES indicate that the population having received its recall in September and October represents only a low contingent of people being hospitalized or in resuscitation".The High Authority for Health, also seized by the Ministry of Health, must in turn rule this subject in the coming weeks.

9:15 am.Anne Hidalgo also does not want paid care for non -vaccinated. Sur BFMTV, la maire de Paris et candidate à la présidentielle refuse, comme Gilles Pialoux, que les soins d’hospitalisation soient rendus payants pour les non vaccinés, hypothèse émise par le directeur de l’AP-HP Martin Hirsch."I don't agree to get into this type of approach," she sweeps.On the contrary, we need in our country to have a real public health policy that we do not have ".

9 hours.The covid "affected a lot" Messi.The seventeen Ballon d'Or remained in Paris instead of going to play two qualification games for the World Cup with its national team, Argentina, of which he is the captain.According to Argentinian coach Lionel Scaloni, "Messi had the hardest strain of the covid" and that "affected him".

08:46.The epidemic peak is long overdue, "a bad surprise" for Pialoux.When is this long -awaited end of the crisis?Gilles Pialoux does not risk forecasts.To get there quickly against Omicron, "95 % of people would have to have immunity and in addition it is sustainable," he said: Mission almost impossible.However, "we can imagine that I have no successor (...).For the moment it is a bit badly crossed out because he already has variants behind, "nuances the chief of infectious and tropical diseases of Tenon hospital in Paris in Paris.The scientific council tables on a progressive decline from March.

08:42."In France, there is no screening policy at school. » Gilles Pialoux regrette que la gestion du Covid-19 dans les écoles, « angle mort de la politique sanitaire en France », « influe considérablement sur le désordre » de cette cinquième vague, avec des niveaux encore très haut de contamination en France."There is viral circulation (in children) which has been completely denied," regrets the professor."I have children in kindergarten, in 6th grade, you have to see the souk that it is in relation to screening" compared to other countries like Germany, he deplores.For Gilles Pialoux, "the communication of the French Pediatric Society still has a responsibility in there".

8:35 am.Dispute the reckless covid?No question for Gilles Pialoux."We obviously take care of the people who have taken risks (...) Creating jurisprudence does not seem to me a good idea," reacts the head of the infectious and tropical disease service at Tenon hospital in Paris, guest of LCI this Thursday morning.The day before, Martin Hirsch, boss of the AP-HP, questioned in the world the possibility of no longer reimbursing the care of people who took risks in the pandemic by refusing to be vaccinated.

08:20."Next week, we are going to companies. » À partir du 2 février, le télétravail restera une recommandation mais plus une obligation, rappelle la ministre du Travail Élisabeth Borne, invitée de CNews ce jeudi matin.

8 hours.New professions authorized to vaccinate 5-11 year olds.A decree published in the Official Journal The announcement: pharmacists, firefighters, dental surgeons, among others, are authorized to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 from this Friday.

7:45 am.Faced with disinformation on the covid, Neil Young disappears from Spotify. Le chanteur américano-canadien a mis sa menace à exécution : après avoir accusé Spotify de désinformation sur le coronavirus en hébergeant le podcast du populaire et controversé Joe Rogan, il a confirmé mercredi sa décision spectaculaire de retirer sa musique de la plateforme de streaming.Neil Young has 2.4 million subscribers and more than six million listeners per month on the platform, world leader in musical streaming.But Joe Rogan's podcast, exclusive content from the Swedish platform, which accumulates millions of listenings, was number 1 on Spotify in 2021."Spotify has become a potentially fatal place of disinformation on the COVID.Lies sold for money, "says Neil Young.

07:30.An American governor improvises a teacher. Michelle Lujan Grisham, à la tête de l’État du Nouveau-Mexique, s’est improvisée institutrice mercredi pour venir en aide aux écoles confrontées à une pénurie d’enseignants en raison de la flambée des contaminations par le variant Omicron.The Democrat, a lawyer by training and who has no experience in teaching, has returned to school as a replacement training in an elementary school in Santa Fe.Michelle Lujan Grisham had launched the recruitment of volunteer teachers a week earlier to replace those contaminated with COVVI-19 and maintain as many schools and crèches open as possible.

07:15. Gare au froid ! Alors que les tentes de dépistages ouvertes aux quatre vents sont légion dans le pays, les tests antigéniques peuvent produire de faux positifs s’ils sont stockés ou réalisés à des températures trop basses.

7 hours.Pirates had published 62,000 false passes. Cinq escrocs basés à Lyon (Rhône) et en région parisienne sont suspectés d’avoir émis plus de 62 000 vrais-faux passes sanitaires indétectables par les autorités.Their earnings could amount to several million euros.Suspected of having usurped the identity of 35 doctors to carry out their scam, they were arrested at the start of the week.Story of an incredible scenario.

À lire aussiPasse vaccinal : comment nous avons obtenu, pour 200 euros, une 3e dose… sans piqûre

06:45.The 4th dose more widely administered in Israel. Le ministère de la Santé israélien a annoncé mercredi soir étendre l’injection d’une 4e dose de vaccin contre le Covid-19 aux personnes de plus de 18 ans à risque, autrement dit celles ayant un risque de contamination plus important, soit à cause de maladies, soit en raison d’un environnement de travail à risque.In early January, the Hebrew state opened this fourth dose for 60 years and more.

06:30.Moderna began her trials of a specific Omicron vaccine recall.After Pfizer on Tuesday, Moderna's turn to announce this Thursday the launch of its clinical trials, out of 600 adults, of its reminder of vaccine dedicated to fighting Omicron.

06:15.An important day across the Channel.This Thursday marks, for our English neighbors, the end of most of the restrictions on the coronavirus.After having put an end, a week ago, at the recommendation of telework, England now abandons the other restrictions - among the lightest in Europe - introduced in December against the sparkle of Omicron cases: obligation to portindoor mask in public places and the vaccination passport for events welcoming a large audience.The English government thus hopes that the population will get used to living with COVID-19 as it does with flu.Note that wearing the mask remains compulsory on the entire London public transport network at the request of the mayor, Sadiq Khan.

6 hours. Bonjour à tous et bienvenue dans ce direct ! Il vous permettra de suivre, en temps réel, les dernières informations liées au Covid-19 et aux restrictions sanitaires, en France et dans le monde.

Dans la rubrique SantéCovid-19 en France : 178 nouveaux décès et plus de 330000 cas enregistrés en 24 heuresCovid-19 : mobilisation en baisse contre le passe vaccinal, 30000 dans toute la France selon le gouvernementAbonnésCovid-19 : le Québec, cet enfer pour les non vaccinés Les plus lus, SociétéPasse vaccinal : à partir du 15 février, le certificat de rétablissement lui aussi ne sera valable que 4 mois1Covid-19 : «Ce soir, vous serez plus de 35 millions à avoir fait votre rappel vaccinal», indique Véran 2Covid-19 en France : 178 nouveaux décès et plus de 330000 cas enregistrés en 24 heures3Covid-19 : comment détecter les cas de PIMS, les formes graves chez l’enfant ?4«Omicron a changé la donne» : positifs au Covid, ils ne s’isolent même plus5Journal du jour30 janvier 2022Lire le journal