Bedbugs, mites How to get rid of these little beasts that live in our bed

Bedbugs, mites How to get rid of these little beasts that live in our bed

• Bed bugs, more and more widespread

“With the development of tourism, bedbugs have invaded cities,” explains Dr. Jean-Michel Bérenger, from the Insect Diagnostic Laboratory (Marseille). During a stay at a hotel, it is not uncommon to come across them without realizing it and to bring them home. "Bed bugs, the size of an apple seed, are parasites of humans that feed on blood at all stages of their lives. They like to settle in resting places such as the sofa, the bed or the armchair", continues the specialist.

The first warning sign remains the bite, which causes pimples and itching, the intensity of which varies according to individual sensitivity. “Bedbugs leave their droppings – black traces – around their hiding place. We also notice traces of blood on the sheets, describes the entomologist.

Punaises, acariens Comment se débarrasser de ces petites bêtes qui vivent dans notre lit

If you buy second-hand clothes, wash them at 60°C or put them in the dryer for at least 30 minutes.
