After the Senate vote, the private copy royalty will apply on reconditioned smartphones |igeneration

After the Senate vote, the private copy royalty will apply on reconditioned smartphones |igeneration

Yesterday, the senators voted for the extension of the private copy on the reconditioned devices, as reports Nextinpact.Rather contradictory while France is currently making a thousand promises to COP26 to reduce its environmental footprint. Alourdir les prix de ces produits risque de freiner l'activité du secteur français du réemploi1, un maillon essentiel dans la chaîne de l'économie circulaire que le gouvernement s'évertue pourtant à promouvoir.

But the pressure from the cultural environment was too strong, it was decidedly too tempting to punctuate all these reconditioned smartphones which however, have already undergone the private copy royalty during their first purchase!But in doing so, the senators only followed the deputies, the latter having voted this bill which, it is recalled, aims to reduce the environmental footprint of digital.

Private copy: MPs validate the fee on reconditioned smartphones

Après le vote du Sénat, la redevance copie privée va s'appliquer sur les smartphones reconditionnés | iGeneration

The royalty is set at € 10.08 including tax on reconditioned smartphones, and € 10.92 including tax on the rewriting shelves.The money thus harvested will go into the funds of collective management organizations (Sacem, Adami, Spedidam, etc..)).Problem, the margin made on these devices is around fifteen euros: reconditioners can hardly do other than to pass the bill to consumers.

The royalty on private copying remunerates a right of use on "copies or reproductions made from a lawful source and strictly reserved for the private use of the copyist".On the copy side France, the company which perceives the revenues of the royalty to redistribute them to the beneficiaries, the notion of compensation for a damage is "linked to the use, and not to the aircraft", explained the secretary to usGeneral Charles-Henri Lonjon.

Private copy: France copy against a "special diet for reconditioned phones"

Consequently, from the point of view of Copy France, "if a device gives rise to successive uses which are identical or very close to copying, then these successive damages must be repaired".

  1. Theoretically, foreign reconditioners are also concerned, but they will have to be assigned by Copy France.↩︎
