iOS knows how to warn that a battery needs to be replaced |  iGeneration

iOS knows how to warn that a battery needs to be replaced | iGeneration

Since iOS 10.2.1, iPhones are able to warn their users that the battery is running out. We omitted this detail when, in the previous article on Apple's explanations, we regretted the absence of some kind of alert or notification. It does exist, in a fairly basic form.

Go to the "Battery" settings of iOS. If the wear of this element is advanced, a message should appear at the top of the screen and say: “Your iPhone battery may need to be replaced”.

iOS sait prévenir qu'une batterie doit être remplacée | iGeneration

In a technical sheet, which received an update on December 11 in its French version, Apple explains:

And Apple to advise on different ways to get a replacement for this part. It is possible that this message only appears when the battery really reaches the end of the roll and that we therefore only see it at the last end.
